In Defense of Ska Ep 51: Ted Leo (And the future of this Substack)
Hey everyone, thanks for reading this newsletter. For the majority of 2021, I’ve used it to promote my podcast, “In Defense of Ska.” The podcast has done well so this week I moved it over to a different (more official) podcast hosting site, which will enable me to get better stats and grow its audience. By the way, we interviewed Ted Leo this week, which you can access here. The conversation was amazing. We talked about his song “Where Have All The Rude Boys Gone?,” his love for 2 Tone, Fishbone and 80s New York Ska, and he tells us several incredible stories from his life as an indie/punk/mod/post-punk musician from the 80s to present.
I will continue to post monthly roundups of the “In Defense of Ska” podcast on this Substack, and sometime later this year, I will return to writing about music here. I hope you stick around. If you are a fan of the podcast, please consider subscribing to it on a podcast platform of your choosing. We will keep posting episodes every Wednesday.
We also launched a Patreon for the show to help cover operating costs. We’ve been going out of pocket to keep the show professional and consistent. For $5, you will have access to behind-the-scenes commentary for each new episode. You will gain access to the official “In Defense of Ska” community Discord. And there will be monthly bonus episodes, featuring topics outside of the usual show format. If that sounds interesting, you can sign up here.
Thank you! Ska Now More Than Ever